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Ross Bisbee Yoga

Ross Bisbee

Warrior 2

Warrior 2

Extended Side Angle

Extended Side Angle

Reverse Warrior

Reverse Warrior

Warrior 2

Warrior 2

Extended Side Angle

Extended Side Angle

Reverse Warrior

Reverse Warrior

Crescent Legs With Airplane Arms

Crescent Legs With Airplane Arms

Crescent Lunge

Crescent Lunge

High Twist With Crescent Legs

High Twist With Crescent Legs

Warrior 1 With Peace Fingers

Warrior 1 With Peace Fingers





Scale Pose

Upward Facing Dog

Upward Facing Dog

Chaturanga Dandasana

Chaturanga Dandasana

Four-Limbed Staff Pose

Chair Pose

Chair Pose

Dancer Pose

Dancer Pose

Hello, my name is Ross Bisbee, and I'm an RYT 200, which means I'm a professionally trained and registered yoga teacher with a 200 hour certification through Yoga Alliance, the international yoga governing body.


When you come to one of my yoga classes, I’m but a voice in the room, providing suggestions, and helping to encourage and assure proper alignment and posture through the physical movements. 

Yoga is about mindfully breathing whether stationary or in movement, and the studio is a place of non-judgement and non-competition.

Your yoga mat, is a place to learn to love and accept yourself and through that love and self-acceptance, better love and be compassionate towards all beings that you encounter throughout your day and throughout your life.

Yoga, meditation, and mindfulness promote more than just physical fitness.  They cultivate greater equanimity.  They help one better cope with stress, turmoil, pain, and unpleasant thoughts, by learning to breathe mindfully to find peace, comfort, and understanding through difficult situations.

I was once taught an important lesson that I’d like to pass along to you:

It is called yoga “Practice” not yoga “Perfect”

With that in mind, I teach and practice many styles of yoga, but I do have a preference for slowing things down, while offering many modifications and adjustments, thus making it safer and more accessible for all people, from all walks of life, ages, body types, abilities, and level of fitness or experience.  


I'm more apt to encourage an individual to ease off of a pose, in order to better maintain their deep mindful breathing, rather than encourage them to stretch further or take a pose deeper.  In short, my approach is more mindfulness based.

Yoga has, after becoming a regular, daily practice in my life, made me a better and more loving, compassionate, and supportive: being, person, friend, partner, lover, brother, son, and parent.  I firmly believe it will have a similar impact in your life.


Lastly, yoga is a tremendously rewarding physical workout as well.  It will work your entire body, helping you to increase flexibility, tone up, prevent injuries, and build lasting strength and endurance.  


Come for the breathing, enjoy the workout, & stay for the peace.


All are welcome in my classes.



I see and honor the light, love, beauty, truth, and kindness

within you because it is also within me, and in sharing these things

there is no distance and no difference between us.
We are the same.
We are one.


Ross Bisbee - RYT 200



One last note that I'd also like to share:


Life is a struggle for us all, please just be kind and compassionate towards one another. A simple smile, shared laughter, a hug, a shoulder to cry on, an ear for listening, or even just a simple acknowldgement can mean much more than you might think.


With that in mind, I support:


  • Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project

  • The Ethical Treatment of Animals

  • Equal Rights & Diversity

  • The LGBTQ Community


I also support and recognize marriage and unions between consenting adults

regardless of race, creed, gender association, sexual orientation, cultural background, or belief system.


Love is wonderfully diverse.

Namaste :)

"Everyone you meet

is fighting a battle 

that you know 

nothing about.  


Be kind.  




"It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.”

~Audre Lorde


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